Customboxes Me
14 min readJun 12, 2021


Hey Alice in a minute but I’m back and this is probably one of the most requested videos that I have I have been being getting a request for this video for forever now he’s showing y’all a little bit of everything so the first I’m going to show you is something you have already seen so I have a YouTube video already on how to make your own hand tags or in Vistaprint 500 for $10 I made the design in Canva an I printed that printed these off on Vistaprint so I already have a video on knees and I pretty much use a attacking gun I pretty much is attacking gun and put these up to my bundles coming see pretty much use attacking done and I connected to my bundles as you guys can see and then also I have also as you can see on my bundles I have bundle wraps now these are made from my vendor so my vendor provides me with the bundle wraps they are very affordable so I pretty much come like this is anahi’s of paper and you just peel it off you appeal after adhesive paper and just wrap it around your bundle so these I do give from my vendor and I believe I have a video on this already but I know a lot of people always ask me about bundle wraps my bundle wraps and I get these from my vendor now I do have use a video showing how you can make your own from home but it is I do suggest just to have a more professional look to reach out to a vendor and have a professional company print out your bundle wraps the DIY video that I showed you I I completely ran out of bundle wraps in I have on those going out so I had to create my own bundles I had to create my own bumper wraps so that is pretty much why you guys see the video of how I created it is a lot of things that you are able to DIY yourself and there’s nothing wrong with doing DIY’s but if you DIY everything it could kind of make your brand look a little tacky and a little cheap sometimes so you have to be careful or you have to limit the amount of things that you do DIY because Ek sometimes work against shipping and so I definitely got these from my vendor anything here that I got from my vendor I would definitely leave a link down below to my website so you guys can get my vendor information so yeah I will definitely leave a link down below from my vendor information something I recently made I recently made these hair care guides it’s so hard to see because my ring light is just reflecting off but I love it because it’s super glossy now I made the design in Canva so the cover I made the covering camera it says here care guide is made in the same font that my my logo is made in selling hair care guide it has my logo and then when you open it it has all of my hair care instructions and then on the back it has all of my social media information my Facebook my Instagram page my hashtag which is LB everything gang then my logo so these are really cute I printed these off on this to print but I made the designs in Canva yeah maybe designs and canvas but I had to add define with paint shop pro so I got the final here with paint shop pro but other than that the designs were made in Canva an I printed it out one Vistaprint y’all I’m gonna say Vistaprint like 1000 times in this video because I love Vistaprint like if you create your own designs or their own logos Vistaprint insta go to place to have everything printed out and I’m so happy I went glossy this time usually I get a regular or Matt finish but I decided to go with glossy and I really love how glossy turned out especially if you have like any type of glitter in your any type of glitter in your design if it’s glossy it just gives it a better look so when it’s glossy it gives it a better look now of course it’s not glitter for real but I feel like it looks better glitter designs look better on a glossy on a glossy finish versus a man or regular finish right and then my thank you cards bam I also did my thank you cards with the glossy on them it says you are everything I made that in paint shop pro and I’m using the same font that’s used in my logo so you are everything and then on the back it is the thank you note so it says thank you thank you so much for supporting my business is greatly appreciated feel free to use the code and then I have the code to save X amount off in its order and then at the very bottom I have my social media handles so this is something else I designed so I designed this impatient pro both sides Ann I had this printed with his friend so this is when it is swimming kill is really cute I love this I love this next time I ordered these are probably going to get a bigger so with sizes this is if I remember correctly this is 5 by 7 this isn’t a yeah this is four by six or five by seven I don’t remember I don’t remember it in a description box or just down below I will trying to input the sizes of everything so you guys will know the business cards are just the regular business cards I will put the sizes for both of these below when it comes to the bundle wraps my vendor they make these I have no idea where size this is but it looks like it’s about maybe 5 inches by two inches I’m not maybe maybe 5 inches by 1.5 I’m not 100% certain because my vendor prints out OK now something else I recently got I finally got me some a hair wrap headscarf satin wrap satin headwrap with every wanna call it with my new logo so I finally got these made and this is a really good piece this really don’t have left to do it packaging this will have nothing to do with packaging but it’s super cute though is my vendor also made these two is super cute though I just love they have a logo is not focusing in stop bugs so another thing that I have mentioned before I do use these pink Poly mellis I get these from Amazon so you can get like 200 of these anywhere between 10 to $15 on Amazon these are 10 by 13 and I can just you can pay anything in here you can fit five bundles they will definitely fit in here even though none about customers ever ordered five bundles at a time but it’s pretty big you could fit a lot of stuff in here like I said these come off of Amazon I swear I love Amazon I love them just like I love just like I love is the print I love Amazon so you can definitely get these different type of colors they come in all different type of colors designs whatever all of it is on all of it is on Amazon so be sure to check it out they also have the panic kind on Amazon as well as you can see this is not Patty is just a regular Poly medler OK but you can definitely get the Patty kind if that’s what you like and then I have these smaller ones so this is a Patty Polly Miller do not remember what size diseases OK I don’t remember what size it is but this is too **** out my lashes so a lot of people was complaining it none of my customers complaining OK none of my customers complain but people were complaining on my last video when I was showing how I repackage your ship out my lashes I would literally cut one of these in half and then use tape and mail out my lashes that way but people whatever like I said my customers were complaining they throw these away anyways but I decided to just get fees because they do come padded to get that extra protection and all I do is just slip some some lashes on the inside of here you know fold it down I put the shipping label on it the shipping label was big so I literally have to wrap the shipping label all around this when I do you know ship these off but this is very good for lashes or any small items that you have that you have to ship out maybe if somebody was to order one of these send her scarves I can easily just slip it in here bam ship out right it’s very cute simple affordable and the smaller it is the cheaper it is to ship so I got this on Amazon so it’s yeah at last but not least this is probably the real reason why I watch this y’all probably was like why is it taking me so long to talk about these dark on boxes so yeah y’all yeah I really like these boxes or whatever yeah I don’t like these boxes but they will do for now I will still give you all details on his box So what I originally wanted to do I originally wanted to purchase boxes from after watching two youtubers their videos one of them was Erica Erica Jordan with the other one was for from another girl I cannot remember her name but I’ll put both of their videos down below because they have really good videos on they have really good videos talking about packaging in their boxes that they got from so I tried to order some boxes from but my designs were declined in the representative that reached out to me she was not helpful OK she was not helpful because I understand the way they print you have to make sure the images that you’re sending over for them to print onto your boxes you have to make sure they are large enough and that the quality is there so when it prints it prints out the way you want to you know the quality is there so it prints out it looks good right they kept telling me it was too small the representative kept telling me my designs were declined ’cause they were too small and I just wasn’t understanding because I do make my designs I do make my own designs and I know like for instance look at this box so this box is 10 by 8 by 4 inches I believe right so I know this this right here like on the front cover this is 10 by 8 inches so I made sure my design when I started designing my packages the dimension’s were 10 by 8 inches but they kept telling me it was too small and I was just like how is it too small when is 8 by 10 inches so I don’t know maybe it’s maybe I have to reach out to someone to design my boxes for me even I don’t want to because I wanna I don’t wanna pay 50 plus dollars for somebody to design me something that I can design myself but the representative is like every time I was asking more questions she was copying she would copy and paste the same response over and over and over again it’s like lady you’re not helping me you’re not helping me because you’re not giving me answers you just sending me the same message over and over and over again so that prompted me to ask for a refund in the lady quickly issued me a refund it like I don’t know if the representative I got it she just don’t like her job or whatever but she was not helpful to me at all so I will probably try again with pack lane maybe I get a different present if or is something going forward but when I tell you that Lady should just copy and paste the same response like she was not helpful and they did they did issue my refund right away I got it right away OK so anyways so my next option will list I went through website I use that website I used that website a lot my first year of business so yeah they have boxes not a high boxes that are already pre colored that is why I was able to get this pink the only downside about it is I don’t like hot pink high pink is more like hot pink says but it says young it says 16 years old hot pink does not speak to my target audience and I know every time I mention the word target audience people are always like Ebony was target audience can you help me with target audience I speak all about that in my web and R so if you missed the webinar on how to launch your own hair companies start to finish I do have the replay that is available for purchase now the replay will increase next week OK because it is 3 ½ hours long and is priced entirely too low because I give us so much information in that video so if you have not purchased the replay you definitely want to hurry up and purchase the replay before before they sweet because prices are going all the way up on every play OK Sally the link down below for the add in a coupon code OK but anyways this hot pink now this doesn’t fit my target audience but it was the only pink that they had so I just went ahead and went with it so this is the box that I have for my wigs it is 10 by 8 by 4 I believe and then I have a separate box that’s a little smaller four bundles this is how the boss is coming you have to put the boxes together and I believe this one is 9 by 6 by two but pretty much it’s really easy to put together and all you have to do is just bold all of the tabs so I’m kinda in awkward position trying to put this together but so yeah so it’s really easy to place together you just have a full on the tasks so I have a bigger ones for weeds and smaller ones for bundles is so they complain and all I did I got a whole bunch of stickers so transparent stickers you have to use a transparent logo that’s another thing a lot of people don’t know how to make their logos transparent that is also something I have a YouTube video on so definitely if you don’t know how to make your logo transparent definitely watch my video on how to get your local transit hearing OK so you wanna take your transparent logo and have it printed out on transparent stickers paper or whatever they wanna call it so I use Avery I use to print out my transparent stickers I know everybody always asking where you get those stickers from where you get those stickers from it’s from Avery y’all honestly a simple Google search would’ve legend to Avery OK I know I know a lot I know y’all are always expecting me to give out all of the answers but I was just like it was so easy for me to find this dad I’m not gonna answer the questions because I know y’all can find it on your own and some people still wasn’t able to find it but hey that’s cool I’m telling you now so I thought these simple or I did a Google search clear stickers clear stickers and this was one of the first things that popped up so that’s where I print out my clear stickers from now where size is this it says 2 1/2 by 17 rectangle labels clear film stayed at the bottom says so in half by 7 inches rectangle labels clear film OK so that is what the weeks by Ebony is my only thing is this stickers they’re not really cut to well so sometimes as I pulled him off they break like right now me trying to pull this down is kind of hard for y’all to see but it broke like going off over the W you see the atom trying to pull it off of here they do break easily so I would advise if you get these you have to be very careful yeah yeah I can’t really see it maybe you could see it now you see how it broke right there it ripped so that’s the only problem I’ve been having with these clear labels they’ve been breaking I wouldn’t say the labels are Affordable because it does cost money it does cost a tad bit more so print out labels of this size and then I also got it with the everything every collection logo these are four to a page as you can see and these are five by three and a half rectangle labels clear film and literally just here off be careful NBA just put it on the box trying to sell you so that is a simple way to kind of make your own boxes at home like I said I got bacon from home but you know kind of like have your own custom boxes the only thing that kind of sucks about these is they don’t come in every color so they probably only come in like five colors and then the regular cardboard white and black so they don’t really come in they don’t really come in many colors so if your companies color if you can’t find him in Easton it’s kind of like you can’t use them or I mean you could always use the regular white or black boxes but I know for a fact most people want a color that can match their logo or like their company colors so that is definitely why I am going to be giving pack lane another try because I don’t like the hot pink I just don’t like the hot pink but pretty much when it comes to packaging my orders when I do on the inside I will put I put tissue paper then I’ll put like the bundles or the wig Oh yeah I put like the bundles or the wig on the inside and then on top I don’t include my hair care guide and my thank you card my you are everything thank you card and I put it right on top of the box and then I’ll close it so this is pretty much when I used to package up all of my wigs and bundles are my lashes just pretty much like an updated video showing you guys where I’m using now like I say it will change somewhere I will be making more thank you cars I will be making more hair care guides and four guys all together I’m going to be making a lot more stuff with Vistaprint yeah I will be making a lot more stuff using Vistaprint so be able to look out make sure you are subscribed because more stuff is coming as it concerns to packaging more information more DIY’s more tutorials actually show you guys how I created in paint shop pro in how I created in kanva more videos like that will be coming soon so make sure you subscribe.



Customboxes Me
Customboxes Me

Written by Customboxes Me


Working for Packaging company. Sales experience of different types of custom boxes. Currently working for

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